About Us
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About Us 250x151px
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We believe that everyone should have access to the products they need to help their skin repair and stay healthy.
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Who we are

ProEVIA products are part of the Northumbria Health Ltd family.  We share the Northumbria Health vision of ‘Health Enhanced by Science’ and are committed to creating specialist skincare products that are natural yet very effective.

Our team

We believe that everyone deserves to have healthy skin and that steroids are not required to achieve this.  Our own cosmetologists help develop a range that is always free from common irritants and sensitisers such as SLP, parabens, fragrances, and colours so that even the most sensitive or damaged skin can benefit from our products.

Our ingredients

We believe that everyone should have access to the products they need to help their skin repair and stay healthy.  We, therefore, only work with suppliers of affordable, quality ingredients enabling us to create premium products at a price our customers can afford.

Our standards

Although not a requirement for non-pharmaceutical products, all Northumbria Health Ltd products and, therefore, ProEVIA products, are manufactured to GMP standards (Good Manufacturing Practice).
In doing so, our customers have confidence that the creams and moisturisers they are using, are manufactured to the highest possible standard.

Our ethics

We don’t just
We love animals too and so ProEVIA skincare does not test any of our products on animals.
We love natural products and so we steer clear of harsh chemicals.  All ProEVIA products are 100% steroid free.  We also avoid any parabens, lanolin, perfume, colourings, or sodium lauryl sulfate.
We love you and understand the impact many skin conditions can have on many other elements of your life.  We endeavour to create an online community and offer help and support to our customers where we can.
We love our ambassadors and work alongside them as they navigate their skincare journey.  If you would like to support our brand and us to support you, get in touch via our social media channels.
We love our team.  Dedicated, hardworking, creative, and forward-thinking, we have the best of the best.  If you’d like to become part of the team, click here to view current vacancies within Northumbria Health Ltd.